Equipment for Sale

All proceeds will go towards repeaters, radios, and help fund training for public service events

Complete HF Station
   Yaesu FT-990
   Yaesu FL-7000 Amplifier
   Desktop Speaker

The Yaesu FT-990 features multiple direct digital synthesizers for pure local signals for high performance. The triple-conversion, general coverage receiver tunes from 100 kHz to 30 MHz. A 500 Hz CW filter is built in. It has keypad entry. Power output is adjustable up to 100 Watts output (25W AM). The top panel provides access for special user adjustments. Operation is from 120 VAC.

The Yaesu FL-7000 high performance linear amplifier covers 160 to 15 meters including the WARC bands, providing up to 1200 watts RF input power. Power: 1200W PEP (SSB), 1200W DC (CW), 600W DC (FSK) and 550 W DC carrier (AM). Super fast T/R turnaround timing allows the FL-7000 to be used for QSK CW and HF packet radio. It requires only 70 watts of excitation for full output. Band changes are automatic with digital band data output such as FT-747GX, FT-757GX(II), FT-767GX, FT-990 and FT-1000. Supply voltage: 100/110/117/200/220/234 VAC 1900 VA max. (390x130x400mm) 66 lbs. (30kg). Compatible with the optional FAS-1-4R Remote antenna selector.

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