Meet the Board

Ham Radio Chicago 

Rob Orr, K9RST - President; [email protected]
Kermit Carlson, W9XA – Vice President
Neil Zimmerman, N8QLF - - Treasurer
Mile Wilson, N0M0 – Secretary
Jerry Watts, K9LOT - Director
Timothy Wheeler, KC9YFI - Director
Jeff Van Buren, KD9IPG - Director 
Brad Nicholson, KA9WRZ – Director 
Kurt Timmerman, K9LPT - Director 

This is our inaugural Board.  We were just incorporated in 2023 and filing for not-for-profit status.

Rob Orr - K9RST


Rob has been a ham radio operator for more than 30 years and serves as the President of the North Shore Radio Club; served for the American Red Cross for 12 years as one of the leads for the ECRV communication team; Has served as a iTechs Comm Trailer volunteer for DuPage County.  He has his own video production business and has traveled the world making videos for clients big and small.

Jerry Watts - K9LOT


Jerry has been a ham operator since 2011 and holds an extra class license; Emergency Management Supervisor in Traffic Management since 2017; Lead for the National Weather Service ham team; runs WillComm that does licensing for amateur radio.
He drives for ABF freight pulling Double trailers for full time job.

Brad Nicholson - KA9WRZ


My father was licensed in 1933 as W9NIU, so I was really born into an amateur radio family. Always knew about the hobby but never got "bit" until 1987 when I was licensed as KA9WRZ. I languished as a General for the next 35 years. Then, I got my Extra Class in 2022. Currently I am an assistant EC for LaSalle County ARES and a VE. I also greatly enjoy mentoring newly licensed amateurs and helping them become successful in the hobby. Dabble in Winlink, APRS, and some other digital modes. Public Service events include Chicago Marathon for many years, Starved Rock Marathon for many years, Tour de Cure Bicycle Ride 4 or 5 years, Storm spotting, disaster comms (Flood Damage-Red Cross, Utica IL Tornado Aftermath-Salvation Army), Nuclear Disaster Drills, along with many other walks, rides, races, etc. Public Service Comms is really my niche in the hobby. 


Ham Radio Chicago grew out of need to find, train and support Bank of America's Chicago Marathon (see the Hero's Story account of our history with Kate Saccany.)

We started humbly with 68 hams supporting the event in 2008 after a challenging 2007 race that forced the event to stop because of the heat.  After a thorough review of their procedures and operations, they decided to invite ham radio operators to help them with course-wide communication.  This was just one of many strategies they ultimately deployed that changed the way they managed the race. 

Ham radio serves the medical team and helps with health and welfare traffic. Today more than 140 ham radio operators from 5 states work this event. This is our 15th year.

how did this all get started?